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These Statutes were adopted at the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of Greece which was held on 11-14 April 2013.
They were formulated by amending and supplementing the Statutes approved by the Party’s 15th Congress. Experience from the distant and more recent past was also utilized in drafting them.
The Statutes determine the aims and character of the KKE, and the principles and rules on which it is structured, operates and acts. They define the rights, obligations, primary duties and rules of activity for the Party’s members, Organisations and organs.
The great value and significance of the statutory principles and operating regulations of the KKE, as a revolutionary Party of a new type, have been judged and tested during the approximately 100 years of the KKE’s existence and activity, as well as by the rich experience of the international communist movement.
To defend these principles in a conscious and resolute way and to observe and apply them strictly constitutes the paramount duty of every Party member. This duty is identified with the defence of the Party’s very existence and of the main conditions which enable it to guide the working class to accomplish its historic mission, the revolutionary conquest of working class power for the socialist construction.
a. The KKE is the Party of the working class, its conscious organised ideological political vanguard, its highest form of organisation. It is a revolutionary organisation of like-minded volunteers which is struggling to overthrow capitalism and build the socialist-communist society in which all exploitation of man by man, every form of private ownership of the means of production will be abolished, and in which a higher standard of living, the rights of the people and equality of opportunities and rights will be assured, as will the all-round social progress in Greece.
The strategic goal of the KKE is the conquest of revolutionary working class power, the dictatorship of the proletariat, for socialist construction. The KKE aims to devote all its forces to building this superior society, being fully aware that it will be the task of the working class itself, at the head of all those who suffer from capital’s power, and of its substantial participation both in the struggle to win it, and in the process of safeguarding and consolidating it.
The working class, the vehicle of socialist change, fighting in the front ranks of the struggle to overthrow capitalism, is striving not only for its own liberation, but for the liberation of all working people.
For these reasons, it is a historical necessity for the KKE to exist and grow stronger in Greek society. In order to win its fight against daily oppression of capital and to end the exploitation of man by man, the working class needs its own independent political organisation, a revolutionary Party capable of guiding its struggle for its vital interests and the construction of a new higher society, the socialist-communist one.
b. In its organization, functioning and activity to realise these noble aims, the KKE is guided by the worldview of Marxism-Leninism and the proletarian internationalism. It is inspired by the first attempt in history at working class power, the Paris Commune (1871), and even more so by the first victorious socialist revolution in Russia in October 1917. It utilises the positive and negative lessons learned from the construction of socialism in the 20th century, above all in the USSR. It understands the lesson that the class struggle continues until the abolition of every source of social inequality, every form of private ownership of the means of production. The KKE is guided by lessons of the class struggle in Greece, the heroic struggles of EAM-ELAS in the period of the occupation and December 1944 and especially in the climactic struggle of the Democratic Army of Greece 1946-1949.
The KKE, based on its worldview and with the aim of developing it, studies the socio-economic and political developments in Greece and internationally. On this basis it forms its programme, strategy and tactics.
c. The transition from the capitalist society, which is going through a deep crisis, to a socialist society presupposes the conquest of political power by the working class, the socialisation of the concentrated means of production, the creation of producer cooperatives in agriculture, the central scientific planning of social production and services, workers’ control, which will liberate the creative activity of the workers, the youth. The KKE is struggling with all its strength to make the working class and its allies aware of this need. In this framework, it exhausts every opportunity in its daily struggles to defend the lives of the working people, their economic, political, trade union, and cultural rights and freedoms.
In this struggle it seeks the unity of the working class, regardless of specialty, educational level, nationality, cultural and linguistic traditions or gender. It seeks the alliance of the working class with the poor farmers and self-employed in a people’s antimonopoly anti-capitalist alliance of struggle for working class power.
d. The organisational structure and operation of the KKE are determined by its aims and its revolutionary character. Its fundamental principle is democratic centralism.
The consistent application of democratic centralism, in all its aspects, is necessary for the ideological, political and organizational unity of the Party, a necessary condition for it to achieve its goals.
e. The KKE is founded on the principle of proletarian internationalism. It bases its internationalism on the common interests of the working class, and on the common necessity and goal for socialism-communism in every capitalist country. It educates its members in the spirit of proletarian internationalism, international solidarity and cooperation with workers all over the world. It fulfils its internationalist obligations consistently and participates in the struggle for the regroupment, ideological and strategic unity and the strengthening of the international communist movement.
The KKE struggles against all manifestations of fascism, nationalism, chauvinism, racism and identifies patriotism with the class struggle.
The structure and operation of the KKE is based on the principle of democratic centralism, which is an irreplaceable component of its revolutionary character.
Democratic centralism means inner-Party democracy, centralised leadership, unified action in the implementation of decisions with conscious discipline.
Based on democratic centralism, the creation and activity of organised groups within the Party is not permitted. This would undermine its ideological-political-organisational unity, its democratic operation and its effective action.
The main elements of democratic centralism are:
A) Bringing the operation and activity of all Party organisations under one single leading centre, the Central Committee, which is the highest leading organ during the period between congresses.
B) That decisions made by higher leading organs must be implemented by lower organs, Party organisations and Party members.
C) Conscious Party discipline where the minority submits to the majority. In the event of disagreement, those who disagree are obliged to unconditionally implement the decision made by the majority.
D)The election and right to recall regarding leading organs or members of these organs. Regular and extraordinary accountability to the organisations and the bodies that elected them. Systematic provision of information to the Party organisations about their decisions
E) Collectivity as the highest principle of the Party’s leadership, an essential condition for the unity, the unified and effective activity of the Party and all its organizations, the correct education, the development of the activity and initiative of the Party members. Decisions taken by only one individual substituting the collective decisions of the organs cannot exist in the Party.
In the framework of collectivity, the personality and contribution of every Party member develops.
F) Equality of all Party members with respect to their rights and obligations.
G)The monitoring, the criticism and self-criticism as necessary elements for the implementation of decisions and the development of activity, the generalization of experience, dealing with weaknesses and the correction of mistakes, the education and strengthening of conscious Party discipline.
Criticism and self-criticism is only exercised through the responsible organs and PBOs of the Party.
a) Party Base Organizations (PBOs) are created in the workplaces, above all in the industrial businesses and sectors, in other enterprises, institutions and services, as well as amongst the self-employed. In addition, PBOs are created in the places of residency, the cities and villages.
The Party members, who work in industrial or other enterprises, institutions and services belong compulsorily to the organizations in their workplace or sectors. Exceptions are decided on by the Regional Committees and Sectoral Committees.
Party organizations are created on the decision of the Central Committee in countries where Greek immigrants and students live.
b)The PBOs are joined together in Sectoral Organizations and the Sectoral Organizations in Regional Organizations. If the CC decides, where there is a need, Area Committees which will unite a number of Sectoral Organizations can be created.
In special instances, the Central Committee can create PBOs and Sectoral Organizations which are directly guided by it.
For the guidance of the organizations of the Aegean islands as well as of the organizations in countries abroad, the Central Committee can decide to create a Party Regional Committee, which is responsible for the unified guidance of these Party Organizations.
Leading organs, Secretaries and their Bureaus, as well as representatives to higher leading organs, are elected by secret ballot, according to the procedure set out in the regulations.
Persons who receive 50% + 1 of the votes cast by those present are elected. If, after the first ballot, the number of those elected is not filled a second final ballot is held that includes the candidates who did not receive 50% + 1 of the votes. In the second ballot they are elected according to the number of votes received.
All other decisions on other issues are taken by open ballot and a relative majority.
In conditions of prohibitions of the Party’s activity, democratic centralism is applied with forms that safeguard the continuity of its single leadership and activity.
Any man or woman over the age of 18 who accepts the Programme and Statutes of the KKE, belongs to and works in one of its organisations and pays their dues regularly is a member of the KKE.
Members of the KKE are primarily workers. Also, leading working people from the oppressed popular strata, self-employed people, farmers as well as other workers or non-workers that actively participate in the class struggle..
a) New members are accepted into the Party on an individual basis only. People who wish to become members of the Party must first become candidate members. This probationary period lasts for one year.
b) The accession of someone as a candidate member to the Party requires the recommendation of two full Party members who must have known the candidate for at least one year. The Party members who make the recommendations are responsible to the Party for their proposal. The accession to the Party is decided on by the assembly of the PBO and is ratified by the immediately higher organ within 2 months at the latest.
Members of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) who are of the required age, have been members of KNE for at least one (1) year, can join the Party directly as full members upon the recommendation of two full Party members and taking into account the opinion of the Party members of the leading organ of the relevant KNE organisation.
The length of a person’s Party life is calculated from the day on which the Party’s Base Organisation (PBO) made the decision to admit them to the Party as a candidate member. Regarding Party members who have come up through KNE, their Party file records the length of time they were members of KNE before becoming KKE members as being time served in KNE.
Candidate members have all the obligations and rights of members, apart from the right to vote and stand for election. Their votes on all other issues are advisory. The PBO Bureau must provide every possible assistance to new members so that they may start their Party life in the right way, assimilating the principles of the Party’s organisation and operation. Candidate members must compulsorily pass through a self-education course. The decision to promote a candidate to full membership is made at the assembly of the Party’s Base Organisation. The decision is made upon a proposal of the Bureau of the PBO in the presence of the person concerned. The decision is ratified by the immediately higher leading organ within two months.
c) Former Party members who were expelled from or left the Party can be readmitted, as long as the Regional Committee approves the beginning of the procedure; there follows a special examination and decision of the General Assembly of the PBO with an increased majority of 4/5 of the members present and the final ratification by the higher organ with a similar majority.
d) Former members of other parties may be accepted as candidate members of the KKE, with a probationary term of two years, after recommendation by two Party members with three years of Party life. In such cases, ratification is required by the Regional Committee.
When leading cadres from another Party are involved, approval of the Central Committee is required for the procedure to start. The PBO examines the application as is determined by paragraph C and afterwards the final decision of the Central Committee is required.
A group accession of former members of other political parties and organizations cannot occur. What is required is the first approval of the Central Committee for the procedure for the individual application of each member of this group to begin and then the General Assembly of the PBO follows, based on the aforementioned provisions.
e) KKE members who live in another country may transfer to the corresponding Party in that country, upon approval by the Central Committee. Likewise, approval is required from the Central Committee for acceptance into the Party of a member from another Communist or Workers’ Party, provided that they have ceased their previous organizational relationship.
f) A KKE member cannot belong to any other Party, political organization, political initiative or grouping.
g) Party Members who move from one organisation into the range of activity of another organisation must notify their original organisation in good time, ensuring the transfer to the organisation to which they are going. The transfer of Party members is accompanied by a note with the opinion of the leading organ regarding their activity in the organization they used to belong to. The transfer of cadres requires the approval of the corresponding leading organ. The completion of the transfer procedure is monitored by the leading organs and the Secretariat of the CC, within the space of 2 months.
h) The Party can carry out a reregistering of its members, if decided on by Congress. The time and procedure are determined by the CC.
The KKE member represents the Party wherever they are, particularly in their workplace. They are distinguished by their militant stance, class solidarity with their colleagues, for their character and responsible stance at work, in the family, and in their lives as a whole.
The member of the KKE cannot have privileges from their participation in the Party nor can they tolerate the existence of such privileges. All Party members have the same rights and obligations.
Party members have the following obligations:
- To participate in the Assemblies of the PBO to which they belong and pay their dues to. To take a personal part in the discussions, decision-making and practical work of their organisation. To contribute to the elaboration of the Party policy by voicing their thoughts and experience from their practical action. To carry out the decisions of the PBO and higher leading organs irrespective of their own personal views.
- To make the Party’s policies and ideology known among the working people. To contribute to consolidating and widening its links with the workers and other working people; to their enlightening and organisation in the workplaces and neighbourhoods.
- To be a member of their union, or other mass popular organisation and to be in the vanguard in these organisations based on the political line of the Party.
- To study and distribute Rizospastis, Communist Review and other Party publications in order to put forward its policy and ideology and defend it against distortions, slander, anticommunism and unjust criticism. To make sure they keep up their knowledge of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, and to improve their ideological, educational and political level, so that they will be in a position to fulfil their vanguard role consistently; to struggle firmly; to fight resolutely and uncompromisingly against bourgeois ideology and political line, and against every kind of deviation from the theory of Marxism-Leninism, against opportunism.
- To fight actively for the Party’s ideological, political and organisational unity, to comply with and defend the Statutes and the principles contained therein.
- To develop the inner-party democracy and to fight against any violation of the operating bylaws, any complacency, selfishness, nepotism or localism. To deal decisively with any attempt to obstruct criticism against anything that may damage the Party or stand in the way of the free expression of opinion and, regardless of the persons involved, to report this to the Party organs, up to and including the Central Committee.
- To draw new members to the KKE, to contribute tirelessly to organizationally strengthening the building of the Party, especially in the large factories and other workplaces, and to keep trying to improve the methods used in Party work.
- To protect the Party from attacks by adversaries of all kinds, developing a revolutionary vigilance. To defend the Party’s ideals and aims everywhere, always and under any circumstances whatsoever, without concessions. To protect the Party in their practical work, under interrogation, in the courts and in prison and steadfastly to defend the values and noble title of member of the KKE.
The party member is obliged to exercise, along with their obligations, their rights which flow from the party statutes.
Party members have the following rights:
- To participate in discussions held to shape Party policy in the PBO Assemblies, in the organs of which they are members, and at conferences and Congresses to which they are elected delegates. To participate in discussions and dialogue determined by the Central Committee through the Party press.
- To take part in the election of the Party’s leading organs and to stand for office in them, if they meet the requirements set out by the Statutes.
- To express their opinion freely and responsibly to the competent organs about the activity of any Party member or cadre of any leading organ or Organisation whatsoever.
- To demand responsible information from the Party organs about Party issues. To be informed as fully as possible about the ideological and political basis for decisions which are to be put into effect, as well as about the activities of the organs and cadres.
- To address themselves, on any Party or personal issue, to the organisation they belong to, as well as to any higher leading organ in the organisation including the CC and the Party congress. To demand to be given prompt, reasoned responses to proposals or questions. PBOs or the leading organs are obliged to responsible deal with any issue arising to the detriment of a Party member and to make sure that the member is promptly informed there of.
- To take part in Party Assemblies and meetings of the organs to which they belong, when an issue is brought up with respect to their activity.
- To demand the undeviating application of the operating regulations of the Party’s organisations and organs.
The recruitment of women from the working class and other popular strata to the Party must be the permanent concern of the Party members. All the Party organizations must develop permanent and stable activity for the rights, equality and emancipation of women, their participation in the social and political struggles.
The Congress is the Party’s highest leading organ.
A regular Congress is convened by the Central Committee every four years.
An extraordinary Congress may be convened, if decided by the Central Committee, or upon a proposal by a Regional Committee, if it is approved by the other regional committees representing 50% of the total Party members. This proposal must be submitted to the Central Committee. The Central Committee is obliged to submit it to the judgement of the other regional committees within three months, at the latest, from its date of submission. The Central Committee is obliged to hold a Congress within at least two months. In both cases, an extraordinary congress cannot be convened on the same issues before one year has elapsed.
The decision to hold a regular congress and the issues to be discussed at it are announced by the Central Committee at least three months before it is to take place.
The Congress is in quorum when the number of delegates present constitutes the majority of the delegates elected.
The delegates to the Congress are elected in a uniform ratio which the Central Committee lays down, by regional conferences and organisations under the direct guidance of the Central Committee. Members of the Central Committee and the Central Audit Committee who have not been elected delegates may take part in the Congress with the right to speak.
The Party Congress:
Discusses and judges the report of the Central Committee and the Central Audit committee. It determines the duties of the Party until the next Congress.
Votes on or amends the Party’s Programme and Statutes.
Elects the Central Committee and the Central Audit Committee.
For a person to be elected to these organs, they must have at least seven years of Party life.
The number of members of the Central Committee and the Central Audit Committee is determined by the Congress.
The Central Committee is the Party’s leading organ between Congresses:
a) It guides the Party’s entire ideological, political and organisational activity.
b) It regularly examines the Political Bureau’s report of its activities.
c) It sets out the Party’s policy and relations with other parties or organisations on the basis of the directions laid down by the Congress.
d) It appoints the persons to be responsible for the Party’s central mass media, both press and electronic media.
e) It decides on the creation, content and composition of auxiliary sections and committees of the Central Committee and appoints persons responsible for them.
f) It ratifies the number and composition of the professional cadres in the Party, after a proposal by the Political Bureau and Secretariat.
g) It decides on the candidates for public elected offices of broader or national importance.
h) It decides to recall Party members occupying the public elected offices of the country.
i) It determines the percentage of revenues which must be handed over by the Party organisations to its central Treasury. It manages the Party’s finances and all its property.
The Central Committee elects the General Secretary and Political Bureau. The Political Bureau is responsible for leading the Party between plenums of the Central Committee on the basis of the latter’s decisions. The number of its members is determined by the Central Committee. Between Central Committee plenums, the Political Bureau briefs its members about Party matters. The Political Bureau, in all its actions and operations, must reinforce the leading role and responsibility of the Central Committee.
The Central Committee elects a Secretariat from among its members. The Secretariat is engaged in the guidance of the organisations, in monitoring the implementation of decisions and in dealing with on-going Central Committee and Political Bureau matters. The number of members of the Secretariat and its precise responsibilities are determined by the Central Committee.
The Central Committee also elects the Party Control Committee (PCC) and appoints its chairperson. The PCC examines charges brought by Party Organisations and members against members, organs and Organisations with respect to violations of Party discipline, of the Statutes; it also examines objections against decisions to expel members from the Party or to impose other penalties. A report is drafted containing proposals to be sent to the Central Committee for final decisions. It examines applications for the reinstatement of Party members who have for various reasons lost their Party membership, and determines the number of years of their Party life.
The Central Committee meets in regular plenums every three months and extraordinarily on decision of the Political Bureau, when an issue arises.
The members of the Central Audit Committee take part in Central Committee plenums with the right to speak and cast an advisory vote.
In special cases, the Central Committee may convene an extended plenum in which other Party cadres, decided by the CC, may take part.
The Central Audit Committee (CAC) monitors the treasury, audits the management of the Party’s finances, and informs the Central Committee thereof regularly. The CAC assists the financial committees of the organizations and where necessary monitors the finances of the organizations themselves.
The Central Audit Committee elects a chairman from among its members.
During the period between Congresses, the Central Committee of KKE may call a Nationwide Party Conference:
Obligatorily, if there has been a decision by a previous Congress to examine a particular issue. In addition, if it considers that a serious matter based on the socio-economic developments, the class struggle, or that there is an extremely serious need to discuss problems which concern the Party.
The following will take part in such a conference: the members of the Central Committee, the members of the Central Audit Committee, delegates from Party organisations elected by the regional committees. The Central Committee will decide on the number of delegates to be elected in a uniform ratio.
The conference can made decisions within the framework of the Party’s Programme and Statutes and may fill in up to 1/10 of the members of the Central Committee.
The Central Committee will set the agenda for the conference and announce it at least one (1) month before the conference is to be held.
The highest organ among Party organisations on the sectoral, area and regional level is the corresponding Party conference and for PBOs it is the general assembly of its members. In the period between Party conferences, it is the relevant sectoral, area and regional committee.
The regular conference of the sectoral, area and regional Party organizations is convened by the relevant committees every two years. Extraordinary conferences are convened: a) on decision of the relevant leading organs and on approval by the immediately higher organ. b) on decision of the higher organ. c) When requested by the leading organ or the PBOs of the organisation in question representing 1/3 of its members.
Delegates to the conferences of the relevant organisations are elected in a uniform ratio determined by the leading organs in question in accordance with Central Committee regulations.
The conferences of Party organisations discuss and decide on the report of the leading organs and audit committees, discuss and decide on matters related to Party work in their field, and elect the leading organ and audit committee. For members to be elected to the Sectoral or Area Committee and corresponding Audit Committee, they must have two (2) years of Party life, five (5) years for the Regional Committee and corresponding audit committee.
The leading organs for sectors, areas and regions elect a Secretary or a Bureau.
The Bureau leads all the work between committee meetings. The election of committee members, the Secretary and the Bureau are ratified by the higher leading organ.
Regional committees meet in a regular session every two months; area and sectoral Committees every month. They meet extraordinarily by decision of the higher leading organ.
The Audit Committees, at least every 3 months, supervise financial activity, the treasuries and the regular collection of dues and the management of the finances of the relevant organisations down to and including PBOs. They take part in the meetings of the relevant organs with the right to speak and an advisory vote.
For a cadre to be selected and promoted to the leading bodies, they must have a heightened sense of Party responsibility. It is the responsibility of the leading organs at every level to take all the necessary ideological and political measures for the harmonious promotion and succession of cadres. The collective assessment of the cadres’ performance and the essential procedures for their election must be ensured in compliance with the relevant regulations.
Particular care and attention must be shown in the composition of the leading organs, to reflect and reinforce its character as the Party of the working class. The aim is for the Central Committee and Regional Committee to have a majority of workers and employees as members, while in the organs there must be care of the election of self-employed, poor farmers. There must be constant care to elect women to all leading organs, and to ensure a harmonious blend of older and younger cadres.
The Central Committee and the other leading organs are obliged to provide for the alternation of cadres on leading organs, as well as in elected positions in the institutions of the bourgeois state (Parliament, European Parliament, regions, municipalities), as well as in the trade union movement, especially at the secondary and tertiary level.
Positions which may become vacant on the Central Committee between Congresses are filled by the election of new members at a nationwide conference, if the CC deems necessary. For other leading organs between conferences, new members may be co-opted if judged necessary, on the responsibility of the corresponding leading organ. Co-opting a new member requires the consenting opinion of 2/3 of the members of the organ in question and approval by the higher leading organ. The number of new members must not exceed 2/10 of the existing members of the organ in question.
The leading organs from the CC to the Bureau of the PBO, in the middle and at the end of their term, assess the work of the organ as a whole and brief the lower organs and PBOs. In addition, the leading organs evaluate the individual work of its members. These assessments are made available for the information during the procedure of the discussion of the election of new organs in the relevant conferences and for the CC at the congress.
Procedural issues related to holding election assemblies and conferences are determined in a regulation decided upon by the CC.
In order improve the study and elaboration of various issues and to facilitate the practical application of the Party’s decisions, special auxiliary sections, Party groups and committees may be created alongside the leading organs.
The CC and the other leading organs must take care so that members of auxiliary sections, committees and Party groups are sufficiently tested through their participation in leading organs.
Regarding the cadres who are to participate in the auxiliary sections, Party groups and committees, the opinion of the PBO and organs to which the cadres belong is necessarily requested.
The leading organs call regular meetings of the cadres in every organisation. These meetings are of an advisory nature.
Before taking decisions of general significance, and if circumstances permit, the leading organs have the obligation to seek the opinion of the lower Party organs and Party members.
The KKE has the following mass media and means of enlightenment:
Rizospastis, organ of the KKE’s Central Committee, is the Party’s daily newspaper, organizer and guide of the masses. The Central Committee is responsible for publishing it and for its general directions, and appoints its management and editorial board. Rizospastis promotes and defends the ideology and policy of the KKE. It publicises and defends the interests of the working class, the working people, and people’s movement in general. It provides full information on developments in Greece and throughout the world.
Communist Review (KOMEP) is the Party’s theoretical and political journal, organ of the Central Committee. It is directed by an editorial board appointed by the Central Committee.
KKE may create or participate in other central or regional print and electronic -radio/TV and internet- media. The Central Committee sets out the terms, framework and aims of KKE in each particular case. It appoints those responsible, the management and editorial boards of these media.
The Party Base Organisation (PBO) is the foundation of the Party, the Party in its field of activity.
PBOs are created with the approval of the higher organ, in places determined by Article 2 of these Statutes, provided that there are at least 3 Party members.
In places where no PBOs exist, they can be created upon the responsibility of the higher organ, with Party members who come from other Organisations.
PBOs which do not fulfill their purpose are dissolved by decision of the higher organ and with the approval of the Central Committee.
Once a year, the PBO meets in a general account-and-election assembly to elect the Secretary and Bureau that are accountable to the PBO.
In PBOs with up to 10 members, one Secretary is elected together with one deputy Secretary. PBOs with ten and more members elect a Secretary and Bureau. The number of its members is determined by the assembly of the PBO, in proportion to the number of PBO members.
PBOs can create sections or working groups in the framework of the PBO and Party groups in mass organisations in order to improve their operation and in order to meet the requirements in their field of responsibility in a comprehensive way. The Bureau of the PBO appoints the responsible persons for the sections, the working groups and the Party groups in the mass organizations. They meet in order to elaborate the specific application the decisions of the PBO and monitor their implementation by the members in their area of activity and are accountable to the assembly of the PBO.
The PBO assembly is convened regularly, once a month. The assembly is convened at the decision of the PBO Bureau, the Secretary if there is no Bureau, or of the higher organ. The comprehensive and timely notification of all its members is required in order to call an assembly. The assembly is in quorum when 50% +1 of its members are present.
The assembly of the PBO approves the agenda that includes the issues proposed by the Bureau, the Secretary if there is no Bureau, or the ones that the assembly itself decides to discuss.
The report to the assembly is presented by the PBO Bureau, the Secretary if there is no Bureau, the higher leading organs and Party members, with the approval of the Bureau or the Secretary if there is no Bureau. The assembly states its position on the report, it takes concrete decisions and practical measures and assigns responsibilities for the implementation of the decisions of the PBO and the higher organs. At every assembly, and during the period between two assemblies, systematic control is organised as to the implementation of decisions and the mobilisation of members, on the responsibility of the PBO Bureau, the Secretary if there is no Bureau and of all the members.
The main responsibilities of the PBO are:
a) It participates responsibly and actively in the elaboration of the Party’s policy and decisions. It popularizes, applies and elaborates the specific application of the Party’s policy and the decisions of the leading organs in its field of responsibility.
b) With its planning and its stable activity It provides for the accession of new members into the Party and the corresponding organizations of KNE .
c) It works for the class orientation of the activity of the trade unions and the other mass popular organizations in its field of responsibility. It plays a leading role in the creation of class oriented rallies and forms of people’s organization. It seeks the development of the struggle in the direction of the political goals of the Party, it elaborates the goals of struggle in the framework of the policy of the Party, it plays a leading role in the organization of the working class, the other popular strata.
d) It organises ideological-enlightenment work among its members, the friends and supporters of the Party and generally among working people and youth.
e) It provides for the daily dissemination and study of “Rizospastis” the Communist Review, the publications and the other printed materials of the Party.
f) It is responsible for the collection and development of the Party’s financial resources.
g) It is in contact with and directly linked with the supporters, friends and voters of the Party, it utilizes them and asks their opinion about the policy, the decisions and the activity of the Party.
It carries out a broad activity among the masses in its field of responsibility based on social and class criteria. It permanently and steadily strives to extend its bonds with all the leading elements in its area of responsibility; it provides for their systematic political information.
h) It discusses the problems of the youth; it takes initiatives about them and struggles in order to rally the youth around the policy of the Party. It makes efforts to establish a Base Organisation of KNE in its area of responsibility and takes care for its political guidance along with the leading organs of KNE. Thus it fulfills at the level of the PBO the respective articles of the Statutes which are included in the chapter about the organization of the Youth of the KKE, KNE.
All the members of the PBO undertake specific duties and work to accomplish them. They give an account for these, they monitor and are monitored with respect to their action and to the activity of the PBO. Party cadres, regardless of the leading organ they may belong to, participate in their PBO, are given duties by the PBO and contribute to its activity.
A PBO may address itself to the leading organs and to the CC to request information and suggest issues to be solved. The leading organs, within a short period of time, must provide or convey responsible answers to the PBO assembly in the presence of a member of this leading organ.
The KKE pays particular attention to the development and to the class orientation of the mass movement, and above all of the labour trade union movement.
The leading Party organs create Party groups that act under their guidance for the specialization and the promotion of the goals of the Party in order for the Party be more effective in fulfilling its mission in the mass worker’s and people’s organisations, these groups are comprised of members elected to their committees as well as of other members who operate under their guidance. In case there are no elected Party members, a small Party group is formed of members belonging to and working actively in the particular organisation.
Party groups, with the consent of the Party organisations, may hold meetings of Party members and supporters belonging to and acting in these fields.
Party groups discuss the problems in their field of activity on the basis of the Party’s general positions and the guidelines of the corresponding leading organs.
The members of the Party who are elected or appointed upon a decision of the Party to legislative bodies, representative or other elected ones, and to the institutions of the bourgeois state in general, implement the policy and the decisions of the Party, are dedicated to the cause of the working class and the defense of its interests and consistently defend the people’s interests in general.
The proposal of Party members to undertake duties in these positions requires taking into account the opinion of the PBOs and the organs to which they belong to.
This position is at the disposal of the Party. The leading organs of the Party can appoint them to another area of work according to the needs of the Party.
The salaries, the compensations, the pensions or any other economic benefits that flow from their position are the income of the Party and handed over to it.
The members of the parliament and the members of the European parliament who are members of the Party constitute the Parliamentary Group.
The Central Committee is responsible for the formation of the lists of the Party according to the proposals of the leading organs. It decides on the composition of the Parliamentary Group.
The parliamentary activity of the Party is subordinated to the goals and the needs of the class struggle.
The operation of the parliamentary group is specified by the Central Committee of the Party.
Throughout its history, the KKE has always paid special attention to the ideological and political intervention among the young people of the working class and the poor popular strata.
a) The Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) was founded by the KKE. It is the revolutionary youth organization of the KKE which adopts its worldview, Marxism-Leninism, the Programme of the KKE and promotes its strategy.
b) KNE is organized at the side of the Party with a distinct organizational structure. It is guided by the respective organs of the Party ideologically, politically and organizationally at all levels, from the Central Council to the Base Organisation. The Party devotes its members and cadres who are members of KNE to the guidance of KNE.
c) The Party is consistently providing for the revolutionary education of the members of KNE, their acquaintance with its history and their preparation in order to join the ranks of the KKE. The Party is responsible for providing to the organizations of KNE any possible political and ideological assistance in order to extend its influence among the youth, in order to rally, to mobilize and militantly educate the young people of the working class and the poor popular strata.
d) The respective organizations of KNE are invited to and participate in the Party congress, its nationwide conferences and its PBO conferences by a delegation that has the right to speak.
The Party’s financial resources come from the members’ dues, their fund-raising activity, from fund-raising campaigns, voluntary contributions, donations or bequests.
In addition, the salaries, the pensions and the compensations that the members elected or delegated by the Party to institutions of the bourgeois state receive, as well as from the financing the Party receives from its participation via elections in these institutions are income which belong to the Party.
The Party can develop business economic activity in order to safeguard its ability to inform the people about its positions, ideologically and politically, to develop its mass political enlightening activity in the framework of the promotion of its political line.
The Central Committee stipulates the level of the members’ monthly dues which should be at least 1% of their monthly income.
The contribution of the new member for their accession to the Party is equal to one month’s dues.
The Central Committee can readjust the level of the monthly dues of the Party membership according to the conditions and the needs of the Party.
It also stipulates the percentage of the fundraising activity of the organizations which must be handed over to the CC and decides on the fundraising campaigns of the Party.
It is a duty for all the leading organs and the members of the Party to seek the constant improvement of the Party finances so as to ensure its financial independence which is an essential condition for its existence and activity, for the fulfillment of its goals.
The budget of the Party is approved by the Central Committee. The budget of each organization is approved by the respective leading organs.
The Audit Committees present to the bodies that elect them, Conferences or the Congress, a report on the financial situation and management.
The Central Committee manages the Party’s finances and property and provides regular briefings to Party members about the general state of the finances.
It appoints a Finance Committee which monitors and directs the sectors in question.
The financial management carried out by the Party organisations is audited on a permanent and continuous basis by the relevant audit committees.
Audit is carried out regularly throughout the Party concerning the records of revenues and payments as well as concerning the advisability of the expenses.
The professional cadres of the Party receive a financial support which must not exceed the average salary of the working people in private sector.
The same holds true for the members of the Party who work in the technical or auxiliary apparatus of the Party, in “Rizospastis”, in Communist Review, in other Party media, in the publishing house of the Party.
Every member, organisation and organ of the KKE is obliged to and responsible for the observation and the defense of the provisions of the Statutes.
Party members, cadres, PBOs and organs which violate the Statutes are subject to the following disciplinary penalties, according to the offence:
§ Admonition
§ Censure
§ Warning of expulsion
§ Expulsion from the Party.
In case of serious offences by cadres in leading organs the respective organ itself may impose the penalty of removal from office. In this instance their PBO is informed as well as the PBOs which are included in the spectrum of the activity of the organ that imposed the penalty.
Undermining Party unity, attempting to create platforms or groupings, and violating the rules for the Party’s protection, the non-implementation of the decisions of the Party as well as other actions that may harm the Party and violate Party discipline shall result in Party penalties which may, according to the seriousness of the actions involved, include expulsion.
Members whose actions are not compatible with membership in the Party must certainly be expelled, in particular members who betray the Party to the class enemy under interrogation, in the courts; members who misappropriate funds or property belonging to the Party or to other organisations in which they represent the Party, as well as members whose behaviour and conduct is incompatible with the requirements of Party loyalty and ethics.
The organizational relationship of a member of the Party is cut short either in case of withdrawal from the Party or in case of a constant absence without due reason from Party activities for more than six months, despite the recommendations. The organizational relationship between the member and the Party is also cut short in case a member does not pay their dues for more than six months in succession despite the reminders.
In these cases the leading organ removes this member from the membership. The assembly of the PBO is informed and ratifies the decision that removes this member from the Party membership.
The PBOs and all Party organs have the right to impose penalties.
The expulsion from the Party is decided on by the assembly of the PBO and is ratified by the immediately higher organ.
If necessary, the expulsion decision may be published in the Party press.
The higher organs can submit proposals for expulsions to the PBOs. In exceptional cases, the Central Committee may decide to expel a Party member. This right is used for serious reasons in the case of Party members whose field of responsibility extends beyond the limits of the PBO to which they belong to.
When the Statutes are violated by an entire organisation or a leading organ, then the penalty imposed by the higher Party organs may include dissolution of that Party organisation or organ, to be followed by its reconstitution. For such a decision to be implemented the approval by the Central Committee is required.
The decision to impose any penalty whatsoever, and particularly that of expulsion from the Party, must be taken with the greatest care and attention, and there must be verification of whether the charges laid are in fact well grounded, the reasons for the penalty must be formulated in a concrete way.
No penalty can be imposed on any member, if they have not been informed of the charges against them and have not been called to the organization or the organ which they belong to in order to express and support their view.
No Party member will face repercussions for personal views expressed within the framework of the Statutes.
Cadres and members who impede criticism bear a serious responsibility and face penalties, even including expulsion from the party.
Every Party member who considers that the penalty imposed on them is unjust or excessive has the right to register an objection to the higher Party organs, up to the Central Committee, the Party Control Committee and the Party Congress.
The penalties may be re-examined by the organs that imposed them, or by the higher organs and the Central Committee.
11-14 APRIL 2013
19th CONGRESS of the KKE