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24. The necessity for auxiliary staff has been identified, accepted, and recorded in congressional and other Resolutions of the CC. However, the implementation measures are fragmentary, the progress is fragile, and the results are still meagre. This is mainly due to the limited and occasional assistance provided by the above leading organs towards the auxiliary committees of the lower organs. The auxiliary committees need constant and substantial assistance from the leading organs in order to fulfil their tasks.

The Sections of the CC must be carefully staffed, so that the willingness and capacity for study  and research are combined with communist steeling, which also includes elements such as a vanguard stance towards the more general and practical tasks of the PBOs and the BOs, a comradely concern regarding all the problems that each comrade is faced with, etc.

All the above largely concern the relation between the Party and KNE, as well as between the Sections of the CC with the university students' Sectoral Councils and BOs, both in relation to the content of studies and the struggle against bourgeois ideology that spreads through the scientific subject of study. This also applies to secondary education.

In addition, the corresponding Sections must show a greater interest in the content of education at Primary school; the issues of education and infrastructures of the educational system; the conditions of health, healthy nutrition, creative organization and utilization of children’s free time, etc. Overall, they need to step up responsibility for the problems that the school students' BOs face and provide them with corresponding assistance.


25. Overall, the proper staffing of the Sections of the CC creates preconditions for more substantial assistance towards the Regional Organizations and the CC of the KNE.

More decisive steps must be taken in this direction. In particular, the Sections of the CC require better staffing. It is crucial that the cadres assigned in each Section, depending on its scope, combine study and research with the experience from the movement, given that many Sections have the responsibility to guide central Party Groups in mass organizations. Corresponding staffing and renewal are needed in the central Party Groups, mainly in the labour–trade union movement, which have increased responsibility nationwide.

During these four years, positive experience has been accumulated from the Sections that combined work in this manner. Only in this way can we improve the ability to successfully respond to the current ideological–political struggle in the movement, and elaborate the demands of struggle.

We have identified the need for better and more substantial inter-sectional cooperation. Since the previous Congress, some steps have been taken; even though it is not yet possible to assess  that it has been established. Under the responsibility of the PB members, there is improved inter-sectional cooperation, as well as cooperation between the Section heads concerning remarks on elaborations and publications around issues of coordination between movements. However, this has not yet been expressed through joint programming and planning that require well-organized Section meetings, especially those that have inter-sectional representation. Even greater cooperation between Sections is required for the preparation and intervention of joint meetings of organizations’ executive boards in which we are struggling for joint action, to take steps towards the social alliance. In addition, a more consistent inter-sectional collaboration is needed on issues related to the reproduction of labour power and the quality of life of the working class and the popular forces.   

This improvement could be reflected in the relations of the Sections with the Regional Committees, and also in an increased political guidance concern, a deeper involvement of the Regional Secretaries with the scope of the Sections, and the cooperation with them. There is both positive and negative experience drawn from the Sections concerning the above issues.

Study and research must be urgently reinforced in Sections such as that of Labour–Trade  Union Work, Health and Welfare, etc.


26. From today on, the planning to staff Sections of the CC, central Party Groups in mass organizations, and Party organs all the way down to Sectoral Bureaus, must start from the top so that the best possible deployment is achieved, taking into consideration the need for specialization but also multifaceted capabilities; the ideological background and the need to gain organizational experience and experience from the movement; the communist steeling and the different objective conditions within which comprehensive and lifelong communist education is formed; the eagerness to contribute; the assistance provided to comrades facing a lack of time, especially mothers.

The promotion of cadres may start from the bottom, however, the planning for their development and deployment is carried out mainly from the top.