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13.The CC overall focuses each time its attention on the strategic tasks of the Party, elaborates its policy in every phase and moment, seeks to creatively adapt its activity based on current developments, without abandoning the main and basic line of activity and its overall planning. To a much greater extent than in the past, it has overcome the identified weakness to be absorbed by the daily routine and the pressure that it objectively exerts.

At the same time, however, problems and weaknesses in the management of this problem remain, which are detrimental to the planned work aiming at the ideological–political and organizational strengthening of the Party in terms of the party’s foundations and outlook. This problem concerns both the Sections of the CC and the CC of the KNE, but it manifests itself with greater intensity and to a greater extent at the Party base, in the Regional Committees, much more in the Sectoral Bureaus and Committees. Both the members of the CC and the other cadres participating in the organs did not manage to link the study and elaboration of issues under discussion with the discussion of issues of political guidance which constitutes an integral part of each meeting.

Today, it is a crucial issue of priority to overcome the weakness of the CC —both in terms of studying as well as guiding—  to help and effectively guide the process of cadres’ development and emergence, especially from the working class, as well as young and women cadres.

Certainly, all these past years we have had an extensive emergence of new cadres, mainly from the KNE who are integrated to the work of the Party. Cadres who gave impetus to the Party's work, staffed leading organs of all levels, Sections of the CC, took up work in the movement. It is important to renew the cadres in most of the leading organs, especially in the big urban centres. Several cadres have taken on significant political guidance responsibilities, have demonstrated competency and it takes a considerable amount of time to evolve and develop their capabilities. Several cadres have emerged without having assimilated the accumulated experience of the combination of trade union work and the Party’s political intervention, measured by recruitment and Party building, the need for deeper theoretical and ideological education.

In many cases, we must not hesitate to correct the deployment of cadres, so that the allocation of the organs can be efficient. We should avoid, as much as possible, assigning comrades multiple duties as this leads to fragmentation, sloppiness in organizational work; even more so disjointed tasks, resulting in a superficial engagement in the areas of work.

The development of cadres begins from the best possible knowledge of their personal characteristics and their special abilities during their utilization and development based on Party criteria. Today, we need to develop multifaceted cadres, without a simplistic approach, taking into account their physical age, experience, etc. The preparation, however, must have unified characteristics, such as the formation of a certain level of theoretical education and knowledge of the positions and elaborations of the Party, which are also a factor of ideological–political unity and conscious agreement. At the same time, the periodical rotation in the allocation of tasks plays an important role in the all-round development of the cadres. That is to say, rotation of responsibilities in the mass movement, the ideological field and other fields of activity avoiding a permanent assignment in organizational work of political guidance of general tasks.

A large number of cadres stands out and continues to develop, without a prior comprehensive preparation for contemporary political guidance needs, or “emerges spontaneously” due to the need to fill gaps, without planning, provision and proper preparation, while the criteria are not met in a comprehensive manner. The criteria are limited to a general agreement with the Party's Programme and policy, which of course are necessary conditions, but other characteristics must be taken into account as well. For example, cadres, based on their experience, should be free from a perfunctory and routine daily handling of party issues from the party offices, which is usually limited to directions and orders that at most reach a perfunctory and superficial monitoring of the results of our activity. The communist allocation of work does not artificially separate the administrative labour from the executive one, but requires their dialectical combination.

In conditions of low efficiency of party work and limited participation of popular forces in organized activity, it is crucial to foster a spirit of political guidance that will not comply with difficulties. It is not merely a matter of work style. It is based first of all on the militancy of the cadres, which stems from the knowledge of the communist theory, but also from the class–social experience. The uncompromising stance vis-à-vis difficulties and subjective weaknesses, the constant effort to utilize all the possibilities, the creative implementation of the guidelines, the constant concern and vigilance, the development of the self-critical evaluation of the work rest on this very basis.

Particularly a large number of cadres from the KNE, who are fully assigned to the Party and take on responsibilities in political guidance and especially in the mass movement, need multifaceted and systematic assistance, since until then they have little experience from participating in the movement in a position of responsibility and the political–ideological struggle within it, in a mass organization. They have no or very limited work experience. Other cadres emerge from the university students’ movement, which in the last decade has been characterized by disorganized procedures, or work in areas with a low or even non-existent degree of trade union organization, making it difficult for them to organize the activity more broadly; especially today that the majority of the youth faces difficulties to orient towards mass political struggle. Assistance to cadres who have a more direct relation and experience from work to the youth could significantly improve the broader Party's intervention at younger ages, the political guidance of the KNE forces.

The boldness in the promotion of new cadres must be combined with a systematic work for the development of working cadres, so that their class background can be utilized for their maturation, the promotion of their abilities, their Marxist–Leninist education.

The CC must develop more demanding criteria for the performance of cadres, both collective and individual ones, a fact which of course presupposes that we provide all the necessary assistance, so that an ineffective and outdated way of political guidance is not reproduced. The responsibility of the CC concerns in particular the preparation of the KNE cadres to be fully assigned to the Party, taking into account that the living conditions have changed in a negative way (high unemployment, drastic changes in employment relations, more serious family and personal problems due to the circumstances, etc.). The pressures from the great contemporary needs have increased, while the very state of the movement, the negative correlation of forces, the problems of reduced participation of some Party members and cadres add to other Party cadres a burden of practical tasks.

The Party has a duty to educate the forces that in conditions of a revolutionary situation will lead to the overthrow of bourgeois power, to socialist construction. It prepares for the future and this is exactly what determines the succession of generations and cadres.


14. Decisive action must be taken to tackle a long-established perception according to which, in the name of pressing organizational tasks, there is little concern for the development and specialization of cadres in ideological work, of cadres who generally ensure the effective allocation and the necessary planned and effective guidance in the leading organs, the assistance to the KNE, in the Party's dialectical–materialist research, in the theoretical and scientific work. This work should include the hundreds of cadres engaged in research as postgraduate students or PhD, but also cadres from the working class and popular families, with experience in class struggle, tried and tested at the work of the organizations. The need to deploy cadres to acquire theoretical education within the party education system should not be neglected due to the current needs. It is a fundamental task with particular importance for the maintenance and development of the revolutionary character of the Party. Incomplete theoretical level increases routine, repetition without imagination, practical work at the expense of theoretical work.


15. It is an indisputable fact that in all Party organs, from the bottom up, the Secretaries of each organ play a key role, since they bear the general responsibility, set the tone for the orientation, based on the collective decisions of the organs. It is self-evident that they have the task to become more and more multifaceted and more effective. This is an individual responsibility, but also help is needed. The Secretaries should be aware of their shortcomings, rely on the opinion and experience of other cadres who are relatively more specialized in areas of work.

The role of the Secretaries of the Regional and Sectoral Committees is particularly important for the proper implementation of the allocation of work; for the utilization of all links; for the essential operation of the organ in terms of orientation, agenda, preparation, discussion time, encouraging cadres to write articles, upgrading the organized self-education, trying to generalize the experience. They need to be at the forefront of the political activity, to ensure the collective monitoring, consistently utilizing the form of individual discussion with the cadres. They should not only rely on the weekly meeting; they should gain a deeper insight of the situation, become more competent in the specialization, the planning and knowledge of the area of responsibility, of the movements, of how to conduct the struggle, of our prioritization in the region, in the area of responsibility of each Sectoral Committee and PBO.

Comrades who undertake the duty of Secretaries of Sectoral Committees should be given the necessary time to get to know the organization well. Piecemeal changes must be avoided; on the contrary their most complete development, the overcoming of the standardization that is often observed requires an organized and planned rotation of tasks.


16. We must decisively overcome the phenomenon of having organs that act as coordinators of Secretaries of the respective organizations. The problem is not only a matter of allocation of work, but also of orienting the organs' operation towards the discussion about the areas of work and the fronts of struggle, upgrading the ideological discussion, in order to open up ways and form preconditions for the utilization and education of comrades.

The organs should elaborately plan the discussion of issues so that it is not conducted in a perfunctory–informative manner or that it does not include a lot of issues in a meeting. They should utilize the articles of the KOMEP (Communist Review) and prologues of publications,  organize discussions on publications of ideological–historical content, and make corresponding political contributions.

Given that at the level of the lower organs, mainly the Sectoral ones, the cadres face long and flexible working hours and objectively their time is limited, their preparation for such monitoring of the work and for the meetings cannot in practice be cancelled due to multiple duties that require a lot of practical work. As a result, this type of work is preferred, due to the existing great familiarity with this way of working.

The Secretariat of the CC itself must overcome the characteristics of coordination in the political guidance of Regional Organizations also in terms of its composition and operation. In the framework of the allocation of members, the tasks in areas of work and fronts of struggle must be upgraded. Many members of the organs, first of all the members of the CC but also of the Regional Bureaus, have a heavy workload and many different tasks to accomplish. Thus, it is difficult to focus on the main issue, to organize the work, to provide essential assistance in developing the cadres, with sufficient personal help and cooperation. The volume of tasks sometimes creates a kind of fatigue and detachment from interaction with the masses, which impedes the development and maturation of the cadres. It mainly hinders the multifaceted development of cadres, regardless of their particular assignments.

Under the responsibility of the Secretaries, the members of the organs, from the Secretariat of the CC to the Sectoral Committees, must ensure a comprehensive understanding of all the organizations, i.e. beyond those that are under the direct responsibility of each one, which means periodicity in attending the meetings of the Sectoral Committees of a Regional Organization or of the General Assemblies of the PBO of a Sectoral Organization. This applies to all members of the CC as well as members at least of key Sections of the CC.