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40. Since the 20th Congress the bourgeois strategy in education has focused on the following axes:

a) The promotion of new abilities and skills required for the integration of workforce in the capitalist economy on the basis of the development of new means of production, but also for the perpetuation of the bourgeois ideological domination.

b) The closer connection of educational structures with the needs of the capital, which is also served by promoting their autonomous and differentiated operation. This perspective particularly affects the structures of vocational education and especially universities.

c) The acceleration of the processes of evaluation and certification of education as a whole in the light of their most efficient operation for the reproduction of the capitalist society in its entirety.

Both in the period of SYRIZA and ND government, a series of changes took place in conditions of significant cuts in spending due to the evolution of the capitalist crisis, while in the phase of the weak capitalist recovery (2016–2019), before the new phase of the economic deterioration education spending has been consolidated to a level that is exacerbating the situation. The modernizations attempted by all bourgeois governments do not meet the new challenges posed by knowledge, the development of productive forces that require a high general educational level as well as skills in the use of state-of-the-art technological means. They seek to adapt general education to the modern needs of capitalism, at the expense of general education.

Of course, each government policy has its own peculiarities, promotes its own priorities, utilizes and prioritizes at the level of propaganda symbolic concepts in order to achieve consensus, depending on the imprint it seeks to leave in the context of bourgeois political scene in each country. As regards education in our country, this effort of the two main governmental bourgeois parties of the current bourgeois political system, ND and SYRIZA, in addition to seeking to highlight false or even secondary political divisions, is also determined by the activity of the KKE and KNE that reveals the unified strategy of bourgeois governments in education and promotes demands and goals of struggle that highlight the real contemporary social needs against the reactionary changes in education.

41. The ideological intervention in the youth is part of the strategy of the bourgeoisie. It does not concern merely the ideological support for bourgeois educational reforms, invoking a series of concepts such as excellence, competitiveness, equality, connection to the labor market, etc. It has more comprehensive and long-term goals: the modernization in the relationship between education and production targeting at even younger ages.

Beyond the general, basic ideological positions (justification of the eternity of bourgeois exploitative relations, glorification and embellishment of bourgeois democracy, “initiative and entrepreneurship”, bourgeois conception of formal equality and freedom, concealment of economy’s class character),  a series of social skills is promoted which allegedly constitute the identity and “cultural consciousness” of  “European citizens”, as well as positions that “capitalism is the best possible system in spite of all its injustices”, “we cannot overcome inequality which, whether inherent and natural or social, is insurmountable”, etc. They plead for the possibilities of capitalism for self-regulation, improvement and reform, in order to prevent the young people, who are in search of a way out of capitalism’s deadlocks, from coming in contact with the prospect of a revolutionary overthrow of capital. For this reason, they place particular emphasis on anticommunism, which is a central state policy that is being elaborated and financed at EU level. Anti-communism is focused on the distortion and revision of history, especially around World War II and the role of the USSR, the equation of fascism with communism, the condemnation of revolutionary violence and its identification with terrorism and extremism, the theory of two extremes, etc.

42. It is confirmed that ideological work is a necessary condition for the broader work with the strategy and the Programme of the Party especially in the youth, but also for the struggle in the movement of school and university students.

Since the 20th Congress, the Party has proceeded to a series of elaborations that promote and popularize our positions by age and level of education, focusing on contemporary possibilities and needs.

The enlightenment work regarding the position on the twelve-year unified school of contemporary general education has continued.

The position of the Party for Preschool Education has been made public, which is a creative specialization of our position on the responsibility of socialism in the education and overall development of children of preschool age.

The Party’s position on university education has also been published. We proceeded to elaborations on the concept of vocational education and training.

In the next period, the main task of the Party in the field of education is to strengthen the ideological–educational effort focusing on the popularization of the Party's proposal for education, work, healthcare and social needs as a whole in socialism; to reveal the bourgeois arguments regarding “neutrality” of science; to highlight the contemporary possibilities of the productive forces, first of all of man, which are limited by capitalism; to organize the debate and the struggle at all levels of education on the basis of the concept school–ideology–education–economy–society, that is, on the basis of the Party’s strategy, utilizing the elaborations and publications to enlighten the main issue: only if the youth realize who and why deprivesthemoftheir future and rights, how and with whom they can assert them, will they be able to claim them.

On the basis of the socialization of the concentrated means of production, the abolition of capitalist exploitation, and scientific central planning, it is possible to determine the multitude of specializations needed, so that young people who have graduated can immediately find a job in their field of study. It is the society that ensures the most free choice of studies, so as to satisfy individual interests with creative work for the benefit of the needs of the majority.