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17. A decisive factor for the promotion of our strategy through the daily activity is to strengthen the ideological element in the inner-party and KNE operation and the operation of the leading organs, so that the ideological struggle in the mass movement and in the independent activity of the Party is properly developed. The PB and the Secretariat of the CC must provide immediate and in-depth assistance in this direction. Only in this way will they be able to effectively and substantially help the critical guiding link for assistance to the PBOs, which is the Sectoral Committees, where we are still facing difficulties, an issue that was compellingly raised at the 20th Congress.

Visible steps have been taken in the discussion within the CC on the developments and adaptations to our elaborations concerning the fronts of struggle, at a time when serious changes are taking place. In this way, collectivity is reinforced, ensuring that all the members of the CC reach a necessary level of Marxist perception of the basic issues of economy, the problems of the working class, the urban and rural self-employed; a deepest knowledge through the discussion on bourgeois and opportunist ideological constructs, in order to update and deepen the level of political guidance.

However, the collective and in-depth critical examination of the experience of the class struggle, the ideological–political struggle, the rallying of forces at the base on the basis of the strategy and the basic choices of the Party, our policy on social alliance in combination with the development of party construction remains weak.

Despite the steps taken in the discussion around the above issues in each movement, such as of the urban self-employed, the toiling farmers, the women from the popular strata, etc., there are delays in the generalization of the experience of the class struggle and the struggles per sector of the economy. The combined criteria for our work in the labour movement, which were set by the Resolutions of Conferences and the Nationwide Conferences on the work in the working class and its movement, have not been assimilated in their entirety. The fact that we did not manage to realize the Resolution of the 20th Congress for a new Nationwide Conference on the regroupment of the labour–trade union movement, the work in the working class and the social alliance has certainly contributed to this situation.


18. The in-depth preparation and organization of the discussion; the experience of the class struggle in combination with the way we guide and orient out forces; the specific measures taken, starting from the CC itself, the other leading organs and the central Party Groups[1], will contribute to a greater participation in the reflection and the discussion of all the members of the CC as well as the other leading cadres in all the organs.

A main obstacle to the multifaceted development of political guidance skills is the one-sided approach of many leading cadres, which is largely due to the exclusive engagement with the particular allocation of duties, resulting in the lack of knowledge of the collective work of the organs they belong to, as well as other aspects of the daily complex development of the class struggle, and even the current political confrontation. It is a phenomenon that is found in all areas of work but special help is needed for  our cadres with responsibilities in the movement.

Another goal to be attained is the members of the CC as Secretaries of Regions, and the comrades leading important organizations, to generalize in their interventions at the meetings  the conclusions from ideological–political struggle, either in general or concerning the fronts of struggle; conclusions from the improvement of the correlation of forces in workers' unions, in unions of self-employed and farmers' associations, school and university students, in the rallying of women to the associations and groups of OGE (Federation of Greek Women). Likewise the conclusions from our intervention and struggle in bourgeois institutions, Local and Regional Administration, the Parliament, the universities or other levels of education, as well as from the ideological–political struggle on the social position of women, the concepts regarding the “social gender” and other fronts of struggle, such as drugs, environmental protection, etc.

The hesitation to speak during the meetings, due to the uncertainty of some comrades regarding their contribution to the enrichment and improvement or to the correction of the topics raised by the political reports of the PB or other organs should be overcome. First of all, the members of the CC must develop the ability to generalize the experience from the activity, as objectively as possible, without embellishments or a nihilistic attitude. This is an ability that presupposes the boldness to exert criticism and self-criticism, collectivity, direct contact of all the members with processes within the movement and, if possible, with different representative sections of workers’ –people's forces.

These are issues that concern each and every one of us. Of course, their criticality is not apparent in relatively normal conditions, such as today, but in times crucial for the Party. There are several historical examples of this.

An expression of the difficulties that the CC faces in studying issues of political guidance and generalization of experience is that its members, especially those who are assigned to the work of the organizations, find it difficult to contribute with articles that would provide experience to other cadres who guide the organizations and the labour–trade union movement, the mass movement in general. It is necessary to realize that the study and generalization of experience through articles, especially in issues of political guidance, is a key aspect for the development and maturation of cadres. The members of the CC must acquire a comprehensive knowledge of all party activity and not only a part based on their duties.


19. The education in the highlighting of ideological and strategic aspects of each political and mass task requires the appropriate time and preparation for discussion in each leading organ. It requires collectivity in the preparation of such a discussion and not to be more or less left —as it happens— to some “experts” or to be based only on the duties of each comrade. It requires a great effort on behalf of the cadre to consult the theory, the historical experience, the study of theoretical positions and ideas of the class opponent and not only rely on the elements of the struggle as they are directly manifested in various mass organizations of the movements. Of course, it also requires appropriate allocation of tasks within each organ for such systematic monitoring, deepening and elaboration of our positions and not exclusively or mainly of the demands of struggle or a program of interventions, although also necessary.

It requires the gradual acquisition of the ability and the methodology to help all the leading organs to substantially discuss every activity in the movement and the fronts of struggle, to ideologically–politically shed light on the main issues, the contradictions and conflicts of interests, the root of the problems, the positions of other political forces; to provide their solution. To be, therefore, in conflict and rupture with the bourgeois and opportunist views, bound up with the socialist–communist necessity.

The PB should have scheduled more often discussions in the CC and about more issues concerning ideology, movements, operation, even if this rendered its meetings burdensome. The element of personal responsibility of all its members for the elaboration of the Resolutions, their monitoring and promotion, overall for all the Party's issues should be strengthened in the CC itself.


[1]  According to Article 38 of the Statutes of the KKE:

“The KKE pays particular attention to the development and to the class orientation of the mass movement, and above all of the labour trade union movement.

The leading Party organs create Party groups that act under their guidance for the specialization and the promotion of the goals of the Party in order for the Party be more effective in fulfilling its mission in the mass worker’s and people’s organisations, these groups are comprised of members elected to their committees as well as of other members who operate under their guidance. In case there are no elected Party members, a small Party group is formed of members belonging to and working actively in the particular organisation.
Party groups, with the consent of the Party organisations, may hold meetings of Party members and supporters belonging to and acting in these fields.
Party groups discuss the problems in their field of activity on the basis of the Party’s general positions and the guidelines of the corresponding leading organs”.