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50.  As regards the Sectoral Organizations, we need to tackle more decisively weaknesses that continue to exist in the deployment of Party forces and reflect their incomplete political guidance. These weaknesses are related to sectoral PBOs whose composition does not correspond to their area of responsibility, consisting of comrades working in different and heterogeneous sectors or of sectoral PBOs covering a large territory with long distances that hamper their operation. They are also related to sectoral PBOs consisting of very few members in relation to the economic sector for which they are responsible, several times lacking clarity in their goals to intervene and build organizations in specific enterprises; but also area-based PBOs that face difficulties in intervening to their region of responsibility according to social–class criteria due to their composition and insufficient orientation.

In view of the upcoming Conferences, we need to elaborate on the deployment of forces based on the sector and workplace in a more comprehensive manner. The leading organs need to have clarity of goals, to take into account all the data in implementing the main direction to establish PBOs in sectors and enterprises. Area-based PBOs should also be included in this effort, maintaining active forces that can play such a role.

The issue of forming party cells in workplaces requires a coordinated effort by party forces both inside and outside each target area, as well as a multifaceted approach by mass organizations to alleviate the difficulty due to, for instance, the lack of traditional or other bonds (of kinship, friendship, etc.) with the Party and the organized movement. The inter-sectoral cooperation of sectoral and area-based organizations can provide experience, information, and conclusions, to strengthen the orientation of work according to social–class criteria. The improvement of the area-based PBOs’ work is more distinct where we establish the orientation of work towards an area–productive basis, the planning and activity for the workers’–people’s problems, the deployment of forces in the working class, the self-employed, the women, and the youth.


51. We have developed the organizational infrastructure to work on more specific measures for  Party building in a number of important —for our cause— large workplaces, growing economic sectors,  and industrial zones.

The deployment of forces in large economic sectors with separate Sectoral Organizations, as well as the intervention in business groups and areas with a large concentration of labour force are a more demanding issue. Careful preparation is needed because we may have a good starting point but  eventually cause damage by creating weak structures. There are economic sectors of the economy that assume particular importance in its overall course or gather the most numerous sections of workers and require unified and continuous monitoring of their development and structure. Such sectors are energy, IT, telecommunications, metal, transport and more specific air transport, shipyards, sea shipping, public transport, food, trade, hospitality industry, tourism, education, health, etc.

We must study the possibility and usefulness of creating new Sectoral or Party Committees in different economic sectors in order to prepare such a prospect[1]. This issue mainly concerns large urban centres, taking into account the overall course of the economy, the productive activity, the importance of the sector in production, the progress in the building–recruiting goals, the existence of a competent number of cadres. We can make use of the accumulated experience.

In this context, we need to focus our attention on forming the preconditions to intervene in some very important monopoly groups and build Party organizations. This presupposes a specific in-depth discussion based on data (number of workers, productive business activity, degree of exploitation, capital coalescence in areas other than the "main" ones, recruitment policy, the employer’s activity in the wider local community and its effect, trade union organization, etc.). This  discussion should be combined with a plan of intervention and deployment of forces in enterprises operating in different areas in the same region. We also need to try a more unified intervention in business groups that are active in various sectors, e.g. food factories where the same employer owns both the commercial and the food part, etc. Therefore, inter-sectoral cooperation, close monitoring of developments, joint meetings and other forms are required.

Following the development of capitalist activity, we should be constantly concerned with the development of political and mass action in large industrial zones, especially in areas located close to large urban centres, in Attica, Corinth, Inofyta, Thebes and Chalkida. This task, however, cannot be resolved everywhere in the same way.


[1]     According to Article 2 of the Statutes of the KKE:


       “ a) Party Base Organizations (PBOs) are created in the workplaces, above all in the industrial businesses and sectors, in other enterprises, institutions and services, as well as amongst the self-employed. In addition, PBOs are created in the places of residency, the cities and villages.


       The Party members, who work in industrial or other enterprises, institutions and services belong compulsorily to the organizations in their workplace or sectors. Exceptions are decided on by the Regional Committees and Sectoral Committees.


       Party organizations are created on the decision of the Central Committee in countries where Greek immigrants and students live.


       b)The PBOs are joined together in Sectoral Organizations and the Sectoral Organizations in Regional Organizations. If the CC decides, where there is a need, Area Committees which will unite a number of Sectoral Organizations can be created.


       In special instances, the Central Committee can create PBOs and Sectoral Organizations which are directly guided by it.


       For the guidance of the organizations of the Aegean islands as well as of the organizations in countries abroad, the Central Committee can decide to create a Party Regional Committee, which is responsible for the unified guidance of these Party Organizations”.