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Spectacular concert of the KKE in honour of the composer Stavros Xarchakos

On Saturday 14 January 2023, tens of thousands of people and youth packed the Peace and Friendship Stadium to attend the historic concert organized by the CC of the KKE to honour the work of the great Greek composer Stavros Xarchakos. The participation of the people exceeded all expectations, crowding every available space in the stadium.
The GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, delivered the opening speech before the concert, stressing among other things that “We thank you for the uncompromising honesty of your art, free from ideological and political prejudices... We wish you and all of us to live for the day when your efforts will be vindicated, the day when our people, in the abundant Greek light, ‘will sow grass in the wilderness’ and turn ‘the earth into a cradle for unborn children”.
“For me it is a historic day. What is happening here today, has never happened before in the cultural events of the country. The KKE has surpassed the characterization of progress and exceeded the normal framework. This action takes guts. And the only party that has the guts to do it is the KKE”, said the composer in his greeting.