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Only the strength of the KKE will be the indicator of the people’s strength after the elections

In Ioannina, the capital of the Epirus region, the great political campaign of the KKE continued on 4/5, in order convey the call for the strengthening of the KKE, from the ends of Greece,to every working man and woman and youngster.
As D. Koutsoumbas, General Secretary of the KKE Central Committee, noted: “Only the strength of the KKE will be the indicator of the people’s strength after the elections. And the people of Ioannina have every interest in electing a communist MP for the first time in years."
The KKE is against the policies to be implemented by the next government

The KKE doesn't change its position from day to the next, it has honesty and stability and the people know this from the presence of the Party in and outside the Parliament, in the workplaces, in the study areas and in the neighbourhoods, said the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, in an interview on 4/5/23 on ANT1 TVchannel.
Regarding the pre-election announcements of the other parties, D. Koutsoumbas advised the people to have very low expectations and referring to the presentation of SYRIZA's proposals, he noted that what they promising presupposes that fiscal balancing has been ensured and that the country has reached a higher investment grade rating.
In response to the calls for a KKE vote of tolerance for a government, the GS of the CC of the KKE replied that a government does not govern for 2-3 things, but for all issues and gets a vote of confidence in Parliament on the basis of the programmatic statements. So the next government will have to mention the preconditions of the Recovery Fund, the European Semesters, the European Energy Exchange to move forward with the "green transition" and the KKE is against of all these policies.
He also stressed that with the calls of SYRIZA to the KKE, in reality Al. Tsipras wants to put pressure on people who are thinking of voting for the KKE.
On the contrary, D. Koutsoumbas stressed that New Democracy, SYRIZA and PASOK parties have a common programmatic orientation on key issues, which is already evident from the fact that in the last four years SYRIZA voted for 50% of the bills of the New Democracy and PASOK for 70%. So there is a very large common basis for a government from these parties on 22 May.
He called on the people to vote for the KKE to continue to be a militant opposition to the next government, to prevent measures and gain conquests until things change radically, with the KKE and the people as protagonists.
Regarding the fascist groups, D. Koutsoumbas first underlined that the delay in the start and completion of the trial of the criminal Golden Dawn is unacceptable, recalling that the KKE had submitted proposals for the allocation of a suitable hall and the provision of additional staff.
If the trial had been completed in the Court of Appeal, the issue would have been resolved, he stressed, and the Nazi criminal who leads a party would not have been able to participate in the elections. At the same time, he condemned the government regulation, which not only applied to this Nazi criminal, but made unacceptable generalizations that should not exist about other terrorist organizations. D. Koutsoumbas said that this generalization is also rooted in the unacceptable attempt to identify communism and fascism, which is applied in EU member states.