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Message on the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution

Communist Party of Cuba
Central Committee
International Relations Section
Dear comrades,
We convey to you the comradely greetings of the Greek communists on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution.
The victory of the revolution just a few miles from the USA, in the face of the furious offensive of the imperialist powers, demonstrated that imperialism is not invincible and that the negative correlation of forces does not negate the timeliness of the socialist revolution and construction.
Socialism demonstrated its superiority in Cuba as well, despite the serious problems it inherited from the hated Batista regime and the suffocating criminal blockade imposed by the USA. It demonstrated that it is the only alternative solution to the barbarity of capitalism, which sacrifices everything on the altar of profit.
Our party has for all these years consistently supported the movement in solidarity with the revolution and people of Cuba. It has defended socialist Cuba from the attacks of the imperialists and the bourgeois and opportunist political forces that use various pretexts and pretences. We continue this internationalist stance at the side of the Cuban people and we demand the lifting of the US embargo and the abolition of the EU’s common position.
31.12.2015 The CC of the KKE