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D. Koutsoumbas: The people must cancel the anti-popular plans!

On Saturday 28/01, the “Palais des Sports” stadium in Thessaloniki was filled with thousands of toiling people of all ages who responded to the invitation of the KKE and participated in the mass political-cultural event of the Party Organization of Central Macedonia of the KKE. The speech was delivered by Dimitris Koutsoumbas, GS of the CC of the KKE.
The event highlighted the positive impact of the KKE’s call to the people to turn the page and write their own story, focusing on their needs.
In view of the upcoming parliamentary elections, the GS of the CC of the KKE called upon those present to continue their action with even greater determination so that the workers and the toiling people make the choice that is on the back of their minds but often put off for the future;to take their place at the side of the KKE, in all the battles including the elections, andcast a vote for the KKE.
“With greater determination and strength, against all odds, as we have learned, we fight with all our mightso that the KKE emerges stronger in the elections, i.e. so that the following daythe people emerge stronger and an anti-popular government, no matter its hue, emergesas weak as possible! We can make it! We can cancel the blackmails attempted by the parties of the establishment, ND and SYRIZA. We can avoid the traps they set, sometimes with their false dilemmas and sometimes with their staged confrontation, in order to hide the fact that they both bear heavy responsibilities, as has also been demonstrated in the past three days in the Parliament with the censure motion. That has always been the way to entrap the people. They do their job, and we do ours. We will fight with all our might so that the people see that the real gain for them and their movement, which will become their asset in the following day, is the strengthening of the Communist Party of Greece”, stressed D. Koutsoumbas.
The speech was followed by a concert by Giorgos Dalaras, dedicated to the work of the great Greek composer Apostolos Kaldaras.